Welcome to PW Statistical Consulting

PW Statistical Consulting provides consulting services in research design, data analysis and interpretation to business organisations but also to non-profit and academic organisations. PW Statistical Consulting is chaired by Pascal Wild, an experienced senior biostatistician and epidemiologist.

Instances where we can help

  • You have data from a survey coming from a contract organisation or from your own laboratories. We can help you analyse these data, draw your own conclusions and help you with their scientific publication.
  • You have data from an internal database with respect to the health of your personnel and/or its occupational exposure and/or the occupational accidents. We can help you identify potential problems and areas where prevention is most needed.
  • You have to submit regulatory information from toxicological studies (e.g. for REACH). We can help you devise efficient study designs.
  • You are a research lab with no internal statistical resources. We can help you in devising efficient study designs, with data analysis including sophisticated statistical modelling, interpretation and scientific writing of the results tailored for a better scientific publication.
  • You do not trust the unbiasedness of a report based on a summary of published data . We can provide you with a quantitative (meta-analysis) reanalysis of the latter.